Spanish North Coast roadtrip – Day 1: Geres to Portonovo

So we had a 2 week stretch in June with no work on the schedule… something that doesn´t happen very often during the summer, most of the time we complain how we´re too busy working to enjoy it, so we weren´t going to let this opportunity go without taking advantage. The conversation went something like this: “Oh wow, have you seen how we have a bunch of free time in June!?” “Ya! Lets go somewhere!” “Ok, where…?” “Ummm, I dunno… I´ve heard that the north coast of Spain is really pretty?” So it was decided. Then, a week before the trip we were chatting with a Spanish guest at a wedding we were shooting and the first thing he says when we tell him where we´re going: “It rains like, every day there!” And we were like: “But even in summer?” And he´s like: “Yup… every day.” But we went anyway. We really should have listened to him, because it rained. Every. Single. Day. And we were camping. With our dog. Just imagine, if you will, that lovely combination of smells in a small tent at night… wet dog… confined spaces… fun times.

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain travel photography north spain

We crossed the border inside of the Geres National Park, which is incredibly beautiful and we will definitely be visiting this part of Portugal again! (As you can see, it wasn´t raining in Portugal…)

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

And we spent our first night in Portonovo, a  little seaside town in Galicia, you can see our campsite right on the beach in the photo above. Little did we know that this night was going to be the end of our tent… but more on that later.

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

travel photography north spain

Click here for Day 2.


  1. I feel your photos. Thank you for a lovely journey!

  2. Mike Fluo

    I love these pictures and I love north Spain too 😛

  3. I am from Galicia!! Just came from a little vacation there on Monday. Awesome place you are going to love it 😉
    Keep posting!

  4. Galicia is amazing!!

  5. always like your photos 🙂

  6. Mark Simms

    Yeah….but it is a cute dog.

    1. I know, his little face makes him easy to forgive for almost anything, and he knows it!!

      1. Mark Simms


  7. […] « Previous / Next » By Kerry / July 24, 2013 / Places / Leave a comment […]

  8. oh sweet!!! i’m oficially jealous now, even with the rain! aaaand you need to buy zé a rain coat! we did last winter and makes all the difference! i know the smell of wet dog hair and it’s no fun! so now it’s much better!

    1. Hmmm, I dunno… I kind-of have this thing against dogs in clothing… I think they look a bit silly, even if it is practical. Plus it wouldn´t help much, since he loves to jump in puddles, he would still end up wet and smelly! 🙂

  9. […]  things… and the fact that the rain in Spain does NOT stay mainly on the plain, but you already heard about that… It was a good summer, but now it´s almost over. But that´s ok, because autumn is pretty […]

  10. […] desert, in the middle of summer… we still managed to get soaked, even worse than when we were camping in Spain last year. Africa doesn’t do anything in half measures, and when it rains… it pours. Next time, […]

  11. debbie

    Spanish North Coast roadtrip ?? why Spanish if its 99% in Portugal ?

    1. Hi Debbie

      If you take the time to read the full series, you will see that this is the first of several blog posts about our road trip on the north coast of Spain. I have even placed a link to “Day 2” at the bottom of this post, to make it easier to find the rest, although it should have been clear that there was more to come, based on the title of the post.

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