Hout Bay

So it appears I have an obsession with fishing villages… yet another subject added to the long list of things I already covet and obsess over.

Also on the Cape Peninsula, but unlike Kalk Bay, Hout Bay is on the Atlantic coast on the other side of the mountain. This town is also the home of the best fish and chips in the entire world. And while I know that this is a huge statement to make (and one that could very likely start a war) but my Portuguese husband can vouch for the complete deliciousness ( I know it’s not a word, just go with it…) of the fish and chips at Hout Bay harbour. Anyone who spends too much time on the internet or has a disturbing tendency to know random and useless pieces of general knowledge (ie: me) would know that the Portuguese are the second largest consumers of fish (per capita) in the world (second only to the Japanese). The point being that he’s not just taking my side because he’s my husband… he’s Portuguese, and they know good seafood.


  1. gorgeous photos, as usual. x

  2. Stunning photos! … If I tell my fish adoring husband about this fish yummyiness, he will want to buy air tickets for the next plane departing there LOL…. as for collecting useless pieces of general knowledge on the internet, you DO understand, that now that I have seen your close up photo of the bow of the boat, that I have discovered that one of the birds there clearly has seen the movie “Titanic”!
    …opps, illusion shattered, it’s not outstretched wings, it’s two other birds, very strategically placed LOL (yes, I probably am going mad LOL)

    1. mad makes the world go round!! xx

  3. Awesome collection of photos! Makes me want to be by the seashore. Thanks for sharing!

  4. very cool 🙂 my favorite is the last photo- so much life contained in the picture without capturing it- and its just aesthetically pleasing

  5. Very beautiful portfolio ! Well done and my vote for your photographer talent on coolphotoblog from France ! Well done !!!!!

  6. I love Hout Bay, and I wish the photos that I took there earlier this year were as beautiful as yours. And I wish I’d had enough time there to chow some fish and chips! I’ll be back soon 🙂

    1. you HAVE to have the fish and chips, its not even optional!! so delicious…

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