The “Strandloper”

A few more photos from South Africa… These were taken at an open-air restaurant near Langebaan (on the West Coast) on our trip back home from camping (I blogged the camping photos here). “Die Standloper” is a pretty unique spot, I’m sure that there aren’t many places like it in the world. It is quite literally right on the beach and everything is outdoors, the cooking, the buffets, the tables… Fishing nets provide shade above your head and beach sand is beneath your feet… all the food is cooked over an open flame and served in enamel utensils, knifes and…

Cape Town calling…

We’re off south again, to spend some time with friends and family, catch up on the tan and shoot a wedding in Ceres, our first South African wedding, and what better spot than in that mystical valley from the back of a juice box! For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, it’s ok, you’re not alone… Cape Town, here I come!!

Looking Back: adventures, road trips and my last roll of film…

I love these photos for too many reasons to fully explain. The memories they carry make me nostalgic for the “old days” but also make me laugh at how silly and inexperienced we were, and how much dumb stuff we got up to… In 2006, home from my second contract as a cruise ship photographer, my good friend Tara and I decided to go on a “Thelma and Louise” road trip… except we didn’t plan on killing anyone, blowing up petrol trucks or driving off a cliff at the end… but I digress. We borrowed my dad’s 4 wheel drive…

Last night in the Mother City

All good things come to an end, so they say… And our trip to Cape Town was incredibly good, so I guess the better it is, the faster it goes. It was bitter-sweet to leave, but it wasn’t goodbye… we will be back. This was our last night here, these photos taken at Derdesteen beach on the west coast.

A bit of random Cape Town

Albert Rd, Woodstock – 2011 Long Street, Cape Town – 2011 Full moon rise seen from Signal Hill – 2010

Hout Bay

So it appears I have an obsession with fishing villages… yet another subject added to the long list of things I already covet and obsess over. Also on the Cape Peninsula, but unlike Kalk Bay, Hout Bay is on the Atlantic coast on the other side of the mountain. This town is also the home of the best fish and chips in the entire world. And while I know that this is a huge statement to make (and one that could very likely start a war) but my Portuguese husband can vouch for the complete deliciousness ( I know it’s…

Kalk Bay

Kalk Bay is a small seaside town on the False Bay coast of the Cape Peninsula. Populated mostly by hippies, fishermen, vegetarians and homeless people… with a sprinkling of the hip young crowd seeking solace from the big city… it’s the kind of place where anything goes, really. The vibe is vintage bohemian and could very easily turn into one of those authentic towns ruined by the noveau-riche but luckily for us all the working harbour (and the homeless shelter) ensures that there are still normal people living here… well, I guess normal is relative here in Kalk Bay.

Return to the Motherland…

Christmas in the southern hemisphere is quite the different event in comparison to our friends up north. Christmas time is summer time, beach, picnics and surfing, and this year was no exception. There are those (perhaps with fond memories of white Christmases) who insist on doing the traditional dinner with course after course of rich, hot, steaming food but my family has thankfully never had any such delusions of “Northern Hemispherity”. Ours was an African Christmas, we made a fish braai (barbeque), drank beer, sat in the sun and went to the beach, not particularly in that order. Now that’s…

Back to the real world.

Its true when they say “time flies when your having fun”… seems like just yesterday I was manically packing, wedding planning and writing multiple posts to keep my blog from dying of boredom while I was away. But in spite of the return to winter and the imminent hibernation of my beautiful tan I am happy to be back with my dog snuggled up next to me and the prospect of a brand new year with a new set of exciting events and challenges ahead. Also, if you have been living under a rock for the last few months you…